Tanaka Life

Most Zimbabweans, staying in South Africa, always ask how they can continue their funeral policy without interruptions when they move back to Zimbabwe.

If you take a Tanaka Life policy, you can continue your cover when you relocate to Zimbabwe.

Most companies that offer funeral cover for Zimbabweans in South Africa have partners or a parent company in Zimbabwe who takes over your policy when you move back to Zimbabwe.

Tanaka Life does not tie you down to a specific provider but allows you to choose your own service provider. Here is a few reasons why:

Funeral cover benefits

The benefits offered on your current funeral policy may not be the same benefits you get when you relocate to Zimbabwe. Your policy may offer a cash payout in South Africa and when in Zimbabwe that policy may only offer services like burial, transport and grocery allowances.

Some caskets and coffins available in South African plans may not be available in Zimbabwe. It is highly likely the benefits you were to receive in South Africa will change when you move back to Zimbabwe. If you take your  policy with Tanaka Life, you have the option to choose plans that offer cash payouts and other benefits. 

Currency fluctuations

It would be ideal if you would pay for your policy at the same $US equivalent when you relocate. As the currency exchange rates fluctuate everyday your premium has to be set and you are more likely to be moved to an existing plan for easy of administration.

Service provider not in South Africa

Your family in Zimbabwe could be with or recommend another service provider who is not active in South Africa. Zimbabwe has 9 funeral assurers and 11 life assurers according to the Insurance and Pension Commission

Out of those only 5 have a presence in South Africa. It does not mean only those providers offering funeral cover in South Africa are the best by virtue of their presence. To give you choice you can get policies from about 20 providers when you move back to Zimbabwe.

Different funeral plans

Our extended family policies allow you to cover up to 13 family members. Very few providers offer such type of a  funeral policy in Zimbabwe and it would be difficult to continue your cover as it is. Therefore to enable you to continue your cover, you might need to work with any organisation that offers a similar service.

How does Tanaka ensure continuity of your funeral policy?

If you have a Tanaka Life cover, you choose your own provider when you move back to Zimbabwe. We understand that waiting periods are frustrating. No one wants to be on waiting periods for the second time. You are covered for free by Tanaka Life whilst you are servicing the waiting periods of your new service provider.  If death happens you will fully claim from Tanaka Life. 

This ensures that you choose your own service provider who can meet your needs and preferences.

Here is a list of service providers to choose from when you relocate to Zimbabwe. These providers are registered funeral and life assurers by The Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC) in terms of section 10 of the Zimbabwean Insurance Act [Chapter 24:07] 

Funeral Assurers

  1. Cell  – founded in 2007, it is a subsidiary of Cell Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
  2. Doves –  established in 1902, Doves has over 115 years of caring. They offer a number of funeral products that may cater for your needs. They also power Zororo-Phumulani, a South African company providing funeral cover and repatriation services
  3. First Funeral Assurance Company – First Funeral was incorporated in 1994. They have various plans that can cover your needs.
  4. Foundation Mutual Society – Foundation Mutual Society was registered under the Insurance act in 1994 to carry out the business of Funeral Assurance.They have branches in a number of Zimbabwean towns and cities.
  5. Moonlight  –  Founded in November 1995 Moonlight is one of the leading funeral assurance companies in Zimbabwe and South Africa. They also have the Moonlight Repatriation Plan that offer repatriation services for Zimbabweans in South Africa.
  6. Passion 
  7. Sunset  (provisionally registered) and based in Bulawayo
  8. Ruvimbo  – opened its doors in March of 2009. They have various plans and products to suit evry group and budget.
  9. Vineyard – Vine­yard  is regard­ed as one of the best com­pa­nies in pro­vi­sion of Funer­al assur­ance ser­vices in Zim­bab­we, this is attrib­uted to its core val­ues in which most of its busi­ness is being based. Its core val­ues are as below; Hon­esty, integri­ty, cour­tesy, depend­abil­i­ty inno­v­a­tive­ness and respect for all stake­hold­ers.

Life Assurers

Besides taking funeral cover from life assurers, you can get it from life assurers. Here is a list of the life assurers  currently registered with

  1. CBZ Life s a part of the CBZ Group.
  2. Econet Life Private Limited – A division of Econet, Ecosure works with partners both in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In South Africa they work with organisations like Kings and Queens and Two Mountains 
  3. Evolution Health & Life Assurance Company 
  4. Fidelity Life Assurance Company.
  5. First Mutual Life Assurance Company
  6. Heritage Life Assurance Company (formerly IGI Life Assurance)
  7. Old Mutual Life Assurance Company
  8. ZB Life Assurance Company
  9. Zimnat Life Assurance Company Zimnat Life offer funeral cover as well as the Diaspora Funeral cash plan. This plan  caters for all Zimbabweans across the diaspora.

91 Responses

    1. Apologies for the late response. I have emailed a comprehensive brochure so you can choose the best plan for yourself.

      1. Please sent a comprehensive brochure for me to choose the best plan for me and my family of 4 kids and the mother. do u work with nyaradzo, im in SA , explain the transition in terms of paymments when i decide to go to zim

          1. Hie I would like to see your burochure so they I can choose which one suits me and my wife here in South Africa

        1. Please send me a brouvher for me to choose I have a family of 6 my Wife and I and our 4 kids That currently stays in Zimbabwe and I and my wife reside in SA in the present moment.

          1. I would like to join a Nyaradzo Funeral Policy. I’m based in Durban. Do you have a branch in Durban. If you have send me the details.

    2. Pls send me a comprehensive quote for me .l have a a family of 4 children my wife and me as well as my two inlaws. My family lives in Zim and lm here in SA. Back home l hv a CBZ policy

      1. To give you an accurate quote we will need to know whether your in-laws are in SA or Zimbabwe as well as their date of birth.

    1. We are not sure how you can join Nyaradzo in South Africa. Please try their Facebook page maybe you can get help. Remember we are also able to offer you funeral cover for yourself and your relatives in Zimbabwe.

  1. Good Day

    i would like to find out if at all its Possible to get a policy for my mother who resides in Zimbabwe.But iam currently in south africa. Would you kindly email Quotes.

  2. Good day
    Is it possible to apply for funeral cover for a parent residing in Bulawayo, whilst the payment is made by the daughter residing in RSA?

      1. Kindly please advise more on what’s as l need to join your funeral and l need the brochure and waiting time how long is that. 0760839617

  3. I want a quote for a 40yr old father; a 36yrs old mother and a 6yr old child; all residing in south africa. Moreover how could i join; i am in pretoria.

  4. hie,i just joined your policy and they sent me details to pay online by ecocash but i went to pep and they said they dont know how. please clarify how do i pay my premiums every month. regards Unah Ndhlovu

    1. We are Tanaka Life. We are currently based in Johannesburg. i have sent you our comprehensive brochure for more information.

  5. Can Zimbabweans living in South Africa without proper documentation be covered in looking for something for me my wife and 2 sons

    1. We have sent you an email. You can also send a please call or WhatsApp to 0815901227 and we will call you

  6. i need to know which companies have funeral policies here and can repatriate to zim or you can continue with your policy when in zim

  7. Hie I’m in SA I want 2 open a policy 4 my sister in Cape Town but she doesn’t have a permit & myself but I’ve a permit

    1. Hi Nancy

      We do have policies that can cover you and your sister. I will forward more information to you via email

  8. Please send me a broucher for different funeral covers and do you cover for old mothers and fathers aged 70 and upwards..

  9. hi Tanaka,
    Please id like to know about your funeral cover packages with repatriation from South Africa. Specifically for Husband Wife Child and 1 Extended family member

  10. hi Tanaka,
    Please id like to know about your funeral cover packages with repatriation from South Africa. Specifically for Husband Wife Child and 1 Extended family member

  11. Hie please send me a quote for me ,my sister,two mothers,7 kids less than 16,three young sisters, two brothers and my grand mother.

  12. im paying for Nyaradzo policy in Zim ,but now im residing in SA , can i be helped if anything happens to me by Nyaradzo SA?

  13. I would like to enquire about or get a quote for a funeral assurance services (repatriation) you offer. I am a Zimbabwean man aged 38 years and married with two kids and would like to add two adult independents who are above 50 years of age.

    If you could assist me with the range of products, premiums, sum assured to select on or assist me in choosing the best product.

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